Safe and Sound

Meaning of Idiom ‘Safe and Sound’

To be safe and sound means to be unharmed or out of danger; not hurt; undamaged.

Usage Notes

This binomial pair or dyad is a common way to express that someone is no longer in danger. It is often used after a successful rescue or a successful return from a dangerous place or situation.

meaning of idiom safe and sound

Sentence Examples

“The coast guard reported that the teenagers were safe and sound after their harrowing experience on the open water after their small boat was caught up in outgoing ocean currents.”

“The team climbed all the highest mountains in the world in four months and returned safe and sound from each climb.”

“Don’t worry,” said the police officer, “your daughter is safe and sound and will return home shortly.”

“He was happy his family was safe and sound after the flood. They were trapped on the roof for twelve hours, waiting for rescue.”


Used since the 1300s. The word safe means free from danger and not likely to be harmed, while the adjective sound means in good health free from damage or injury.






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