Peter Out

Meaning of Idiom ‘Peter Out’ (Phrasal Verb)

To peter out means to become smaller or lesson gradually; to become weaker or less intense before ending completely; to gradually stop or disappear; to dwindle away; to lose one’s energy so that one is unable to continue an activity.

Sentence Examples

“The campfire petered out in the middle of the night and we froze our tails off. It was too cold to gather more wood.”

“My flashlight petered out in the basement of my office building while I was looking for some old records. It was pitch black!”

“The weather was bad last night. The storm didn’t peter out until 5 am.”

“The creek was running fine yesterday but today it’s beginning to peter out. I think the beavers are building another dam downstream.”

“That workout really petered me out.”


Used since the mid-1800s. The word peter, when used as a verb to mean diminish or gradually fade away is almost always used with the word out.

The origin of this idiom is unknown but some claim that it comes from the biblical apostle Peter, who began as a devoted and enthusiastic supporter of Jesus but whose support quickly diminished causing him to deny knowing Jesus three times while Jesus was being arrested.

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