Meaning of Idiom ‘Narrow-Minded’
When someone is narrow-minded, they are unwilling to consider or accept new ideas, opinions, ways of thinking, behavior, etc. that are different from their own; having a prejudiced mind; being intolerant of other views.
The noun version of narrow-minded is narrow-mindedness.
Related idiom: Open mind (open-minded)
Examples Of Use
“Don’t be so narrow-minded!”
“Peterson is a narrow-minded bigot.”
“My church is too narrow-minded. I’m going to find a new one.”
“Sullivan fancies himself a critical thinker but he’s actually just a narrow-minded opinion columnist.”
“My parents are so narrow-minded. They think my friend is a degenerate just because he has a tattoo.”
Used since at least the mid-1800s.
This idiom uses narrow in the sense of being limited in extent; constricted in scope or amount.
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