Meaning of Idiom ‘Look Forward to Something’
To look forward to something is to be excited about something that is going to happen and think of it with eager anticipation.
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Usage Notes
Look forward can also be used in the negative, as in “I don’t look forward to going back to work.”
Examples Of Use
“I look forward to meeting you in person,” said the salesman.
“I’ve been looking forward to the state fair all year.”
“I don’t look forward to jury duty. It’s always such a long day.”
I look forward to our vacations every year.”
“I look forward to going on vacation every year.”
“I look forward to sleeping in on the weekends.”
“I look forward to some extra sleep on the weekends.”
“Do you look forward to starting college?”
“I don’t look forward to the end of my summer vacation!”
“Frank looks forward to starting his new job.”
“We all look forward to being able to go out in public and gather again, like normal.”
“I look forward to seeing you at the party.”
Used since the first part of the 1700s.
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