Flip Out

Also: flip

Meaning of Idiom ‘Flip Out’

To flip out is similar to another very common English idiom, to freak out. It means to suddenly become very excited, frightened, upset, agitated, especially in a visible way; to lose control of oneself.

Also, to react strongly and quite enthusiastically to something. Or, to go crazy, in the colloquial sense.

Usage Notes

The word flip can be used alone, with a similar meaning.

Meaning of English Idiom Flip Out

Examples Of Use

“Jerry got kicked out of the military because he flipped out and punched his commanding officer in the face.”

“I can’t believe you bought Shelly a new bike. She’s going to totally flip out when she sees it!”

“He just flipped out and started tearing the place apart.”

“My mom will flip out if I stay out past eleven. I have to get home quick.”

“When I first found out I was accepted into Yale, I just flipped.”

“Uncle Johnny is going to flip if you put a dent in his car. He loves that old thing.”


Used since the 1960s, to flip out may have originally referred to becoming psychotic from an overdose of drugs used recreationally.




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